Site Development

In addition to its financial and technical support of other site development projects, BerksIDA actively develops sites within the county that fail to attract market interest. Please reach out to us if you have a potential industrial redevelopment opportunity within the County.

Current Project- Berks Park 183

BerksIDA is set to break ground on infrastructure and road improvements to its newest site, Berks Park 183, in spring 2020. Berks Park 183 is a light industrial park that will accommodate buildings from 20k-235k sf and final buildout of up to 860k sf of space. The ~159 acre site was a former military base that housed foreign POWs during WW2.

Past Projects – Berks Park 78

Berks Park 78, a venture by BerksIDA to capitalize on the logistics and distribution opportunity the region presents, offers great insight into development within the County and the resources and skills we bring to the table.
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